How Drizly works

Beer, wine and liquor delivered to your doorstep.

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Our Services:

  • Free Delivery

    Create an account to shop and add products to your basket and get free delivery.

  • Online Support

    Browse thousands of new, local, well-known and not-so-well-known products. Select your favorites, pick your local liquor store(s) and press that magical order button.

  • Money Return

    We’ll let you know when your driver is on their way with the goods and BOOM, drinks delivered in under 60 minutes.

Let's get start

You want it? We got it.

Rosé? Check. Tito's? Check. That one killer pale ale you tried the other day? Check.We have the biggest selection for on-demand alcohol in the history of ever.

Check ‘Em Out

I used to think drinking was bad for me, so I gave up thinking.

- Customer

Recent Comments

Elnur Khalilov

Its OK but its lack of save features makes it not the best.

22.02.2022 16:28pm

Rashad Mammadov

It wouldn't let me create and organize lists. No titles, no deleting..

12.18.2021 19:10pm

Polad Agayev

La aplicación es buena, aunque he tenido mejores en itunes.

09.11.2022 10:16am

Tabriz Sapharov

I wanted a list that I could add to if I have another thing to add, sadly no.

31.05.2022 22:49pm

Recently Bought

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Vdoodoo Ranger Juice Force IPA



On Sale

Vdoodoo Ranger Juice Force IPA



On Sale

Vdoodoo Ranger Juice Force IPA



On Sale

Vdoodoo Ranger Juice Force IPA




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